"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer time is here

We are having a great summer. School is over as is TBall. Now we are all about the pool. The kids love it and so do I! Next week they take swim lessons. Can't wait to see what they learn. I'll have to take my camera to get some pool shots. In the meantime here are some pictures from the end of school and TBall.....

Our favorite playground

Our favorite playground

How Molly and Kate like to spend TBall

How Molly and Kate spend their time during TBall

They wanted to play too. Maybe next year!

Girls want to play too

A hit!

Hit that ball

Ready to play

All suited up


Kate being silly

"Look at me!"

Monkeying around
Monkey bars


Ryan and his teacher

Ryan and Miss Nancy

Ryan and his buddies

Ryan's buddies E and D

Tickles from Daddy

Loving Daddy's tickles

Pensive Molly


More playground fun


Ryan is so high