"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Toothless once again

Molly had to have two teeth pulled yesterday. My poor baby. When she was about 1 1/2 she fell on a teeter totter and knocked two of her teeth back up into her gums. We thought they were totally knocked out at first, but after an x-ray, we saw they were still there. They came back down on their own and had been fine. Until last week. I took the girls for a routine cleaning and it was a different dentist so I filled her in on Molly's history. She said the teeth looked fine and to watch for a bubble on her gum. No one had ever mentioned to watch for this before. So Ryan had his check up on Monday and had a cavity. So I took him back on Wednesday. Don't ya know, Wed night I was helping Mol brush her teeth and there was a bubble on her gum. So I took her in the next day and sure enough, she had an abscess and the dentist said she needed the one tooth pulled. She put Mols on an antibiotic and we were to return in a few days. So yesterday was the big day. Molly was actually pretty excited to be losing a tooth like big brother Ryan. Plus she knew the tooth fairy would visit. Once there they decided due to the location of the abscess to pull both teeth. Molly was a TROOPER and did awesome. She had a bit of a rough time once the novacaine wore off. She wouldn't take any medicine (Tylenol or Motrin) or drink/eat. She got a bit dehydrated and was barfing some too. But once we got some fluids in her, she perked up and was asking for her shopping trip to Happy Harry's (drug store) to get her prize. Oh and the tooth fairy left her 20 smackeroos as she didn't have any smaller bills so she should be able to pick out something nice.

Never a dull moment....


Michelle said...

Aww! Poor Molly!! Is Kate jealous? (about the teeth and/or the fact that Molly got 20 bucks for said teeth and she didn't)

Kristen said...

Yep, Kate is jealous. Ryan has lost two teeth and now Molly has joined the club as well. Kate was actually crying the other day because she wants to lose a tooth.

Molly was such a good sister, she not only got something for herself she used her tooth fairy money to get something for Ryan and Kate too. :)

Michelle said...

Double Awww!! What a sweet girl to share her loot with her fully toothed sister (and Ryan too). You should share a picture of the toothless crew!